About us
Our company the Pásztor Tamás and Co. Ltd. is dealing with the sale and renovation of veteran cars since 2000. Our first car was a golden colour DS 23, which was renovated through a year of tough work. Since then numerous models passed our hands through the years and we have gained a lot of experience and success in the different fields of car restauration.
Our company has 4 premises and we are capable of doing all the steps of restaurating and bringing a veteran car to new life. Beginning at the purchase and shipping of cars and parts (form abroad too), through the full-scale restauration we are trying to suite our customer’s needs. We have our own trailers, which makes the shipping of the cars much easier.
Our services
Pásztor Classic
Address: 1173 Bp. Pesti út 2.
Email: muhely@pasztor-classic.hu
Phone: +36 1 257 7777